Thursday, March 13, 2008

For the weekend...and next week.

Due this Tuesday, the 18th of March:

Write a one (1) page paper describing what your ideal house would look like. I’m interested in what sort of rooms, color, shape, style, and so forth. Things to keep in mind:

• Be specific. Details, as always, will be rewarded.
• Organize. Make sure you describe things in an order that makes sense.
•Explain. Details are great, but to succeed on this assignment, you need to explain the why of your choices.

Also, you’ll need to include a drawing of your ideal home. This should be colorful- I’m not looking for a pen drawing on lined notebook paper done in homeroom. If you like, you can use collage, computer graphics, markers, photography, or whatever other creative means you’d like. This needs to be 2D. Please no models of the house. Keep your drawings sized to standard letter paper (8.5" by 11").
